Thursday, January 21, 2010

2. Black Folks Like The Electric Slide

If you collect a large group of black people, and turn on music of any sort, you can very well bet that some sort of line-dance will take place. In many cases, the line dance of choice for black people will be the king of all line dances, the Electric Slide. This is probably because it's been around for thirty years, having given everyone plenty of time to have learned it. There is also the added benefit that the dance can be done to pretty much every song ever made.

Line dances were originally invented by white people, and consisted of cowboy-booted heel-clicking. Black people are generally better than white people when it comes to things that involve rhythm, however, and the popularity of the Electric Slide brought the concept across the racial line. Nowadays there are new and more advanced line dances popping up every now and then, but they are all based on the Electric Slide.

Here is a video of black people doing the Electric Slide.

It is usually pretty easy to get a line dance going, presuming there is music playing and you have a significant number of black people to do the dance with you. Use discretion when attempting to start up a newer, more complicated dance, such as the Cupid Shuffle or Cha Cha Slide. Unlike the Electric Slide, these dances are meant to be performed to certain songs. A suggestion would be to stick to the Electric Slide because all black people know how to do the Electric Slide.

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